“… There are too many ideas and things and people, too many directions to go… the reason it matters to care passionately about something is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size. It makes the world seem not huge and empty but full of possibility.” 

- Susan Orlean

Free Birds

Still Quiet

A Willing Sacrifice

Memories of Magnolia

You, me, God, and Goliath

Things Hidden


Flesh of my Flesh

As One Born Among You

That We Should Be Heirs

Fear Not. Together.

A Time to Heal

Seeking Sanctuary

War Wounds

Heninger Village

Generations of Stories

Bone of My Bone

Depth of Fields

Family Tree  

We are Here

Biển, Biến, Biên

Begins with Tea

Environmental Renderings

Made of Clay



